This just confirms my current theory about America. That all of the guys in America, who know how to read, are exactly like me. Fair weather consumers. I like Elizabeth Banks. I think her nipples are fine, and less egg-shaped than others believe. But she doesn’t excite me. She doesn’t get me off my ass. In fact, the only time I ever pay attention to Elizabeth Banks is when my cock is in her mouth.
Like last weekend, in south Hollywood, when my cock was in her mouth. And, to be honest, when I’m looking to relax, after a hard day, of sitting around all day, and my cock is in Elizabeth Banks’ mouth, and I’m slapping around her tits to make them bounce (which takes fucking concentration if you want to create the correct effect) the last thing I want, while she’s fellating me, is to listen to Kevin Smith tell shit and vomit jokes.
And I like Kevin Smith. I think he’s a fat funny fucker. But it’s hard to laugh out loud, and ejaculate on Elizabeth Banks’ face, at the same time. It, like, violates the laws of thermodynamics, or something. And I, like most of the guys in America, have a pretty healthy respect for the laws of thermodynamics, as illustrated by the weekend box office.
Oh, and, Elizabeth Banks, I know you’re reading this right now, and I know what you’re thinking. But stop thinking it. I enjoyed the time we spent together, with my cock in your mouth. I simply felt compelled, as an average American male, who values breast sex, to blog about the laws of thermodynamics, and to defend your nipples, from those who believe them to be egg-shaped, when they are clearly oval-dicular.