Hotties find deep tissue massages relaxing, pampering and enjoyable. Giving a hottie a massage, with your cock, will help her unwind from a tough day and also relieve stress. Find tight spots in her body and massage them deeply, with your cock, to create within her a sensation of absolute relaxation and pleasure. Giving a deep tissue massage, with your cock, is also a good way for you to release your own tension.
Difficulty: Easy
Things You'll Need:
* Bed
* Hottie
* Cock
* Cock Oil
(1) Put your naked hottie boobs-up on the bed. Having the room at a nipple-friendly temperature will allow for a relaxing experience.
(2) Focus on your hottie’s tight spots, such as her face, hands, loins, and boob and ass cracks. These parts of her body tend be the tightest and will allow for the greatest sensation of release.
(3) Stand beside your hottie and begin, with your cock. Use thrusting motions to massage the deep tissue in her face.
(4) Work down her body, with your cock, to your hottie’s boobs. Perform an oval-shaped motion, with your cock, around the sides of her boobs. Work from the base of the boobs (where most headaches begin) and make decreasing ovals until you reach her nipples. Slap her nipples gently, with your cock.
(5) Slide down to your hottie’s ass. Grip both of her hips and begin massaging her deep tissue, with your cock. Consider using a bread-kneading motion, like Baker In The Mine Shaft.
(6) Use variety, and work her entire body, with your cock, until the sensation of deep pleasure causes her to tremble and moan. That means it’s working. Continue the massage until you attain visual confirmation of the ultimate release.
(7) Give your hottie a deep tissue massage, with your cock, as many times as you can each day, even if some of them are “quickies.” Because life will always be packed with bullshit. And the only way to attain true harmony is to regularly massage a hottie, with your cock.